One of the best ways to market out here on the internet is with article marketing. Your audience reach is very related and trust building comes hand and hand with article writing. This method of marketing should be known if you want to succeed with internet marketing, but do you know the difference between submitting articles to directories or submitting articles to content sites. These two method of article marketing are completely different, but which one is better?
Article Directory Submissions
An article directory is a site that contains multiple categories and multiple niches to submit your articles to. These can be great for getting your message out to a broad audience eager to learn what you have to say. When someone is searching an article directory they are looking for a specific category and a specific article that can answer their question. Commonly when writing for an article directory you are going to want to write content that is unique to the visitor's needs, you want to solve or answer the question they have within your article and give them a reason to click on your link in your author bio.
- Easy submission forms
- Easy access to your stats and what articles have been submitted.
- A good reach to a targeted audience ready to learn what you have to say.
- Most of the time it is easier to get your article approved and live on the internet.
- Audience can be to broad resulting in no traffic to your site.
- Depending on the directory it can be a while before you get approved.
- Not easily able to contact an article directory personally.
- Can't build a relationship with the article directory.
Content Site Submissions
Content sites are a great place to look into submitting your articles. Content sites are very niche related and the visitors are most likely already interested in the content you are providing, due to the fact they are already on a site related to your niche. These sites have a great potential to send targeted traffic right to your site in a short period of time. As with directories content sites do not have tons of articles being submitted every day, so the chance that your article will be read is much greater. The best advantage to this is that the CTR (Click Thru Rate) from you link to your site is much higher on content sites, due to the competition being much lower.
- Greater response from the audience of the site you are submitting to.
- Very niche related.
- The potential traffic to your site is much greater.
- Users are eager to read the information you are providing.
- Able to create a relationship with the site owner for future JV opportunities.
- Article quality has to be outstanding.
- Article must be greater than 1000 words to be accepted (My Experience).
- You might have to pick up a phone and talk to someone personally.
So as you can see there are many advantages and disadvantages to both article directory and content site submissions. As you might have thought content site submissions are the way to go in my opinion. You really should do your research and get a good handle on your niche before submitting your content to content sites. When first starting out in a niche see what response you get from article directories, and then move over to content sites. This is how I did it, but it is all up to you. If you know your niche already fill free to jump right into content site submissions.
I really do think that content site submissions are the way to go if you want quality targeted traffic coming to your site. Don't just take my word for it, go and apply these methods yourself and see the results. Have fun with this and get writing. Content is your best friend when it comes to internet marketing so get out there and take action.
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