الاثنين، 9 أبريل 2012

How to Get Traffic to Your Site Using Twitter

By Daniel G West

Twitter is a huge online social networking website. As well as social use, thousands of businesses are using it to make people aware of their products and deals, and drive traffic to their website. The method i would like to share with you is a method that is excellent in being able to provide very high amounts of traffic using twitter. The best part is that it's completely free.

Firstly create a twitter account, use the name of your business as your nickname. Enter a little about your business/website and put down your website URL.

Next, you want to search and follow people who are in your niche. For example, if you are a hotel company, follow other big hotel companies. However, don't just follow them, look at everyone who is following them as well. The chances are that everyone who is following them is interested in hotels and booking reservations now and then. Twitter will only let you start following a certain amount of people per day.

The chances are that these people will follow you back, increasing the amount of people who can see your tweets. As well as these people following you back, other people may follow you from seeing you on the followers list of people that you are following.

After getting a fairly good amount of followers, you're going to want to start getting traffic to your site. However you do not want to spam your followers with promotions, otherwise they will most likely stop following you altogether. Search on the internet for useful tips for something in your niche. For example, if you owned a hotel website, you could look for tips on how to get cheap hotel reservations. Once you have found a webpage with some good information, copy the URL and go to tinyURL.com. Once you have shortened the link, go to your twitter account and tweet, for example: "some free tips on getting cheap hotel reservations - (the shortened link). Post 1 or 2 each day.

Every other day, tweet promoting your product or webpage. Your followers will see your tweet and a good percentage of them will click on it, maybe because they have liked the useful information you have posted before, or they have just looked at the tweet.

If you continue to use this method correctly it can be very effective. The best part about this is that it is completely free, it also increases the number of backlinks your site has.

I hope you found this piece of information very helpful. Best of Luck.

If you found this article useful, check out many more useful tips from the author that will help you become successful in internet marketing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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